Thursday, April 4, 2013

Mommy Boots

Am I turning into a mom who is only able to talk about poop and puke?  Perhaps...  However, that is really all that consumed the past week of our lives.  I came down with a bout of what was thought to be food poisoning.  The culprit?  Sushi purchased from Sentry.  Barret chided me for buying such a product, but the shrimp was cooked and Sentry is a classy place.  It was not like I got it from the gas station.  Nevertheless, I paid a hefty price - 4 days of emptying my stomach and only being able to eat a few saltines.  We discovered a few days after my bout ensued that it was not food poisoning, but actually the stomach flu.  How did we discover this?  Well Barret came home early to help with Owen, only to realize that he was extremely sick as well.  Thankfully, Owen did not get sick nor did he get the memo that Mom and Dad were sick (monster baby pictured above).  However, he did have the runs for a day or two, which was pretty horrific to change those diapers when you are nauseous yourself.  Thankfully, we all survived the bootage and are doing much better this week.

Owen is not yet crawling, but that is not for lack of determination.  He has, however, figured out that he can move if he rolls around.  He started out on his play mat and I came back from grabbing some toast to see that he rolled across the living room.  Mobile baby is a bit scary.

This baby loves to be on his stomach.  We have zero issues with tummy time.  He is now insisting on getting dressed while on his tummy, getting his diaper changed on his tummy (it's super fun), and taking a bath on his tummy.  The bath on his stomach is a bit disconcerting and I am pretty sure he was drinking some bath water the other day - but he has a mind of his own now.

Barret and I are not what you would call "religious."  Neither of us knew what Easter was the celebration of, but we do like brunch, dying eggs, and chocolate - so pretty good holiday in my book.  Owen was thrilled to wear bunny ears for Easter.  We did not hide an Easter basket for him this year, but next year it will likely be a bit more exciting for him.  I also did not take him to get his picture taken with the Easter bunny, because I did not realize that was a thing and had the flu.  Low maintenance holiday for this clan!

1 comment:

  1. I think the Easter Bunnys that kids take pictures with is CREEPY anyway. He looks like such a happy baby!!
