Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Cone Dog

First off, my husband wrote a great article regarding a nursing mom's rights in the workplace.  Here is the link, if anyone is interested:  http://www.dewittross.com/news-education/posts/2013/04/09/accommodating-nursing-mothers-in-the-workplace.

Our beloved Murphy had to have surgery a few weeks ago.  He had a lump on his leg, which turned out to be a benign tumor.  Unfortunately, they cannot tell if it is benign or malignant until they remove the tumor and have it tested.  Although it was benign, it was still good to have it removed as it could have continued to grow and become problematic.  Nevertheless, Murphy had to wear the cone of shame for 10 days.

Day One was a bit rough, as the vet had to sedate Murphy when he woke up because he was really angry about not being able to get at his incision.  When he came home, he was super sappy and I realized that I had never heard him whimper until that day.  Murph is tough though, and he has now combated worms, a tapeworm, Lyme's disease, a truck, and a tumor and has come out on the winning end.

After the first day, Murphy was getting back to his normal self - except his damn cone.  I don't think he really noticed that he had this cone on, other than when he was drinking water from the rain drops that landed in his cone, but it drove me crazy.  He bopped his cone around constantly and could not figure out that he needed to wait to squeeze his conehead out the door.  He would also run upstairs after we put Owen to bed and bang his cone on each stair.  Owen also did not mind the cone and was happy that he was still able to get some daily kisses from Murph.

Every child seems to love Sophie the Giraffe and Owen is no exception.  My mom got him one for Christmas, which mysteriously went missing a few days later.  I had brought it in the diaper bag to yoga and i was never seen again.  My first instinct was Murphy took it outside and buried it in the snow, along with some of his other treasures.  Once the snow melted, I scoured the yard but no Sophie.  So I figured I had wrongly accused Murphy.  Until we got replacement Sophie a few days ago.  The instant Murphy was left alone with Sophie, he took it through his doggy door and was playing with it in the yard.  Thankfully, I was walking downstairs and spotted my misbehaving dog and was able to save Sophie.  I am still not sure what Murph did to Sophie 1 (chewed up and swallowed?) but he was definitely the culprit and not my mommy brain.  Now, we have to keep Sophie tucked away or up high when not in use.

I love free stuff!  I will never turn down a free sample at the grocery store or a stupid t-shirt that is being given away.  So I of course love free kids stuff.  Storytime at libraries are great.  The past two weekends, however, we went to Kids in the Rotunda.  Owen is a bit young to really care about the shows, but the ones we went to involved singing kids songs and the singers were really good.  Best of all, it was free.  It is a nice thing to have in town and Owen was interested in looking around at other kids - plus it will be awesome next year for him.

Although Owen does love Sophie the Giraffe, his favorite toy is his bath cup.  It is the only toy that he has started crying over when taken away.  Not sure what it is about this cup, but he loves it.

Another Owen favorite are his socks and toes.  No need to buy this baby toys.  Also - holy thunder thighs!

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