Wednesday, October 8, 2014

 Although we have already had a taste of freezing temperatures and are well into fall by now, I decided to do an entry regarding summer highlights.  The reasons are twofold:  one this is blog and I can do what I want, and two I took a hiatus from blogging and seems odd to just start back in at what is going on now - 6 months later.  The main reason for my hiatus is that we moved and decided to try a little social experiment and not have internet.  Apparently, this was a very odd thing to do.  I did not think it was that strange and it was kind of refreshing.  However, it did get a bit annoying going to the library and searching for wi-fi hotspots.  Word also spread of our lack of internet and we succumbed to social pressures.  Thus, we now have internet and I hope to be able to do a better job blogging.  My next step will be to got a new computer as this is Barret's laptop from law school... from which he graduated 8 years ago.  Baby steps...

The first thing to note from this summer is that we bought a new house.  We are now residents of Middleton and loving it.
A few months after moving into our new house, we had friends that found themselves between homes.  They stayed for us with one month - which was great because Owen got a playmate in Finley and Murphy got a playmate with their two gold retrievers.  Murphy got the short end of that stick as he is kind of a grump and only played with the dogs once or twice - which is equal to the number of times that he snapped at them for begging rights when the little ones were eating.

This August we took a trip to NYC.  I would not recommend this destination if you are looking for a relaxing vacation with your toddler.  However, it was great to see a lot of family and Owen loved being in the City.  We went to Central Park often and he adored chasing the birds and listening to the singers.  There was alos an abundance of trucks to scope out when walking along the street.

This summer we took another less exotic trip back to Minnesota.  So I go back to Minnesota every month or two but it is typically for a holiday, wedding, or shower of some variety.  This trip was different in that we went back for just a visit and had an entire week to whatever.
I apparently did not do a very good job taking pictures, but we went to the Minnesota Zoo, Minnehaha Falls, Quarry Days, and Blaine.  Murphy was also along for the journey and got to go to the splash pad

Last highlight of summer - we went to Door County with a group of friends for a 30th birthday celebration.  This was my first trip to Door County and although I did not see any cherries, it was pretty awesome.  Owen also got to have a sleepover with his buddy Avalyn.

We also attended several fun weddings and a long visit from DVS (not sure how I have no pictures of this visit...)
Summer 2014 was very eventful but I am excited that we are now into my favorite season

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Where did this toddler come from?

I am uncertain at what age a baby actually becomes a toddler; however, I am pretty certain that Owen has now made that transition.  I have stopped referring to him as a baby.  Although, every now and then an older child calls him "baby" and it warms my heart.  Nonetheless, Owen has unofficially toddlerhood and all of the terrors and joys that come along with that.  Such as playing with plastic bags....
Owen is oddly into organizing things.  I do not always understand what he is trying to accomplish, but he does seem to take his organizing very seriously. 

The diapers have became the latest point of fascination for him.  He will move them from room to room individually and then stack them in some manner.  He then gets very upset when I have to grab one and use it... does not quite understand that is why we actually have the diapers.

No more baby food for this guy!  Raisins and crackers will do just fine.

I am so sick of this cold and never ending polar vortecies (not sure what the plural is for vortex, but pretty sure there should not be a need for plural polar vortex).  We sometimes pretend that Target is a free amusement park and I just let Owen run amok.  The employees love us there.

Gymnastics are another good energy burning avenue.

Free toddler dance parties at public libraries are also great.  It was difficult to capture Owen's moves, but they were amazing.  Hopefully soon he will be able to take these moves outside.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Still Here!

 Back by popular demand (You two people know who you are....).  I took a bit of hiatus from blogging - I wish I could say it was from being busy, but that is simply not true.  I got a little too into the Walking Dead (amazing if you have not seen it) and have generally just been a bit lazy over the winter months.  Anyway, Owen is doing great and continues to make us laugh.

He turned 1 on October 28th.
 Turns out he really likes cake.
 Butter is also tasty.
 We thought it would be fun to try to make Christmas cookies with him.  Turns out, he really likes to eat sugar cookies.  Not so into decorating the cookies.  After he ate 5 or 6 cookies, we gave up and Barret just decorated them himself.
 Christmas was a bit more exciting for Owen this year than last year.  However, probably like most kids his age, he was more into the wrapping paper, bags, and boxes than their content.  Owen got to spend quality time with all of his grandparents over Christmas.
As well as his Uncle Nene.
And his Aunt Holly.  We were missing Uncle David and all of the great grandparents, but will hopefully see them all soon.
Owen's boots:  I never knew that a child could love something as much as Owen loves these boots.  He insists on wearing them daily around the house.  If he is not wearing them, he likes to place them near him.  Yesterday, one boot was misplaced (found in the cabinet with the pots and pans) and I have never seen such a look of glee from Owen than when I found the missing boot.  Owen does not currently have a blanket or stuffed animal that he is attached to and I am hoping that he does not insist on taking his boots into his crib.