Saturday, January 18, 2014

Still Here!

 Back by popular demand (You two people know who you are....).  I took a bit of hiatus from blogging - I wish I could say it was from being busy, but that is simply not true.  I got a little too into the Walking Dead (amazing if you have not seen it) and have generally just been a bit lazy over the winter months.  Anyway, Owen is doing great and continues to make us laugh.

He turned 1 on October 28th.
 Turns out he really likes cake.
 Butter is also tasty.
 We thought it would be fun to try to make Christmas cookies with him.  Turns out, he really likes to eat sugar cookies.  Not so into decorating the cookies.  After he ate 5 or 6 cookies, we gave up and Barret just decorated them himself.
 Christmas was a bit more exciting for Owen this year than last year.  However, probably like most kids his age, he was more into the wrapping paper, bags, and boxes than their content.  Owen got to spend quality time with all of his grandparents over Christmas.
As well as his Uncle Nene.
And his Aunt Holly.  We were missing Uncle David and all of the great grandparents, but will hopefully see them all soon.
Owen's boots:  I never knew that a child could love something as much as Owen loves these boots.  He insists on wearing them daily around the house.  If he is not wearing them, he likes to place them near him.  Yesterday, one boot was misplaced (found in the cabinet with the pots and pans) and I have never seen such a look of glee from Owen than when I found the missing boot.  Owen does not currently have a blanket or stuffed animal that he is attached to and I am hoping that he does not insist on taking his boots into his crib.