Tuesday, December 4, 2012


This Saturday we attended the longstanding tradition of Friends Thanksgiving.  Last year, I was camped out in the basement with the other ladies consuming several bottles of wine.  Ah - how the times have changed.  This year we had babies:  Avalyn (6 months), Owen (5 weeks),and Reed (2.5 weeks).  This was my first time meeting Reed and I was super excited because his mom was my pregnant friend this summer - we talked about longing for a glass of wine, ate many popsicles and went to prenatal yoga together.  Reed did not disappoint.  However, I remember my friends with young babies who came to visit the first week or two after Owen was born and commenting on how small he was and how they don't remember their own babies being so small.  I thought 'these women are crazy, it was only a couple months ago and their babies were actually smaller.'  Well - I am also crazy.  Reed looks tiny and it was only a few short weeks ago that Owen was that size.  So I am sure it is just around the corner that I start commenting on how quickly babies grow up.  I feel like I have officially arrived in the crazy mom club - and I am ok with that.

 To continue with the crazy mom arena - my baby is a genius!  He is already reading.  I am actually not that crazy (not like an Alex from RHONYC) - but I was excited that he has been showing interest in this soft book.

And the soft book was a gift from Owen's future BFF - Mason.  He came by for a playdate with his mom and Becky on Saturday.  Murphy was just waiting for Mason to drop some of his sweet potatoes, but unfortunately, Mason did not splatter his food all over.

Just being awesome...

Owen went to a music class on Tuesday with myself and some mom friends.  He is not the greatest musician yet, but soon he should be able to master the tambourine.  We then went to see Santa - 2 of the 4 kids cried, but Owen just stayed asleep.  I am pretty sure he asked Santa for more milk and for Murphy to stop licking him.

It took until about last week for me to find the ambition to cook actual meals again.  I started throwing Owen in a sling during the day and it has changed my world.  Our floors are vacuumed and I am able to make meals.  This was a fairly ambitious side dish, but pretty easy to make.  It is just roasted vegetables with pomegranite seeds and feta.  I say it was ambitious because required breaking down a butternut squash and gathering seeds from a pomegranite - it was totally worth it.  My housewifedom seems to be approaching full circle this week - cooked, cleaned, and hung out with other ladies during the day.

I was very disappointed in Real Housewives of Miami last season.  DC still stands as the worst season Bravo has ever put out there, but I would put Miami right behind it.  So, I was not expecting much when they started season 2; however, Bravo has upped their game and sucked me in again (like they always do).  They added some new characters (drunk model who slept with Joe Francis, crazy dentist, attorney who cannot let go of her ex-husband, and a plastic surgeon's wife who I actually like).  Anyway, the episode this week featured Adriana (pictured above) throwing a lovely dinner party for her in-laws fiftieth wedding anniversary.  It appeared to be a very nice and fancy event - then she came out in this outfit and did a little dance/shimmy for everybody.  I cannot imagine that this is what your in-laws are hoping to happen at their fiftieth wedding anniversary.  Sorry Van Sicklens, but I will not be putting on this costume and a dance for your fiftieth.  First off, I will be 50 years old when that happens and am pretty sure no one would want to see that.  Second, pretty sure in-laws never really want to see that, regardless of age.  Nevertheless, I do have to say that she looks good - but should maybe just save that for her own anniversary - but she would have to get married first.

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