Saturday, November 17, 2012

300 Diapers and Counting

I haven't actually been counting the amount of diapers that Owen goes through, but he is approaching 3 weeks old and I am pretty sure he has gone through close to 300 (9 or 10 packs of 30 diapers).  Now that his umbilical cord is healed up, we have started using cloth diapers.  My friend, Alyssa, introduced me to these Best Bottoms diapers from Nicki's Diapers.  They are pretty great - although - they are comically large on our little baby for the time being.  However, he is now over 9 pounds and in 3 month clothing, so these diapers will probably be fitting appropriately very soon.  Plus, they are very stylish.

My mom and sister came down for a few days.  My mom also brought her dogs, Bea and Tesa.  Bea gave Murphy a run for his money in terms of which dog was in charge of watching Owen.  Bea made her way into the background of nearly every picture that was taken while they were in town (I think she was on a walk during the picture of my sister above).  It was awesome having my mom in town.  She stays up much later than Barret and I (as do most people over the age of 10 and under the age of 70) - so she would be happy to take Owen at about midnight if he was still awake.  I now understand why stay-at-home moms have nannies.

Although Holly was not on late night baby soothing or diaper duty, she did provide Owen with a lot of good Auntie cuddling time and got him some sick new outfits.

Those dinosaur slippers are compliment of Aunt Holly as well as the I Rock outfit.  She got a ton of other great outfits that Owen will be sporting over the next couple weeks.

I have not figured out a way to get paid for endorsing products on this blog... perhaps I need to be slightly more famous, but this stroller is amazing.  It is a City Mini GT.  We went back and forth on whether we actually needed to spend so much on a stroller, but it was totally worth it.  A lot of the criticisms on reviews had to do with the fact that it does not come with any accessories - which is kind of annoying but we just ordered a car seat attachment and a parent counsel (to hold beverages on the handle bar, but has not yet been installed) in addition to the stroller.  I would highly recommend this stroller and say that it is definitely worth the price.  Since the weather has been so nice lately, I have managed to venture out on my own with the baby and Murphy and have minimal difficulty navigating my way throughout the neighborhood.  Problems only arise when Murphy spots his nemesis (a white dog that lives a few houses down) or a squirrel that he thinks is within his grasp.

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