So it has been a while since I have provided updates. Main reason being, when Owen is awake I can accomplish very little, other than making sure he stays alive and vacuuming - that kid loves the vacuum. Also, he has entered what Google tells me is sleep regression. For the past couple weeks, he wakes up every two hours. I thought we had moved past that several months ago, like when he stopped being a newborn, but it is back and somewhat worse than I remember. According to the parenting expert, Google, this is typically just a phase and should pass in a couple weeks. However, this brought me to the scary realization that I have not slept through the night in well over a year now. Owen has slept through the night a handful of times, but I was so accustomed to waking up anyway, no sleep for me.
Anyway, this month has been full of new adventures and accomplishments for Owen. The most major being taking his first steps. Barret and I had been coaxing him to walk into our loving arms, but alas, it was allure of the vacuum that got him. Yes - his first independent steps were to the vacuum. I was holding the vacuum, so I am going to consider also as walking towards me.
Owen has also picked up some dance moves. They are pretty funny and mostly just uncoordinated bounces up and down - similar to his dad's dance moves. He has also learned how to give kisses - which is adorable. Still no words (other than the probable "hi's" several months ago but those are likely coming soon. Also, I feel like we can wait for some more things to happen. In addition, he has learned to kick his little soccer ball. He can only use his right foot though.
Another first was going to Urgent Care. I got a call from our daycare provider that he had a fever and became convinced that it was an ear infection. By the time I got to Urgent Care, the fever had broken and one nap later Owen was basically back to normal. I expected Urgent Care to be a madhouse, but it was actually kind of nice, but am hoping not to be back there any time soon. Still no first haircut - might make it to age two before that happens - but there are patches of hair coming in.
The last in my series of firsts - leaving Owen for the weekend. I spent the weekend in the Dells for a bachelorette party. It was a great time and Barret claims Owen enjoyed the man time. Up next will be Owen's first wedding, followed by his second wedding. He is getting ready to show off those dance moves.
Was wondering when you would update again - Great you guys!