Thursday, November 29, 2012

One Month Down

It's all downhill from here, right? 

We have actually had things pretty easy thus far.  However, Owen does not like sleeping in his crib and seems to be getting up more at night.  Therefore, we have started instituting co-sleeping.  It seems as though this is somewhat frowned upon; however, my philosophy is whatever keeps him alive and helps me maintain shred of sanity is ok.  Granted, I do not want to have 10 year-old Owen sleeping in my bed, but seems to work pretty well for the time being.  I think we will start making more of an effort to keep him in his crib in the coming weeks.  There is an extra push for this now that he has figured out how to use his arms and fists.  There is nothing quite like getting woken up by your one-month old baby punching you in the face.  Babies are freakishly strong.

The other thing Owen has learned recently is how to smile.  While I wish this picture was taken of Owen smiling in response to my face, sadly, it is not.  It is actually a picture of him on his changing pad.  I am not sure what he sees here (contrasts in colors or is just super into the wooden shelves above) but he loves the view from his changing pad.  He will sit there and smile for minutes and squeal in delight.  Oh and I also know that he is not smiling because he is happy about getting a clean diaper. 

 Owen's other area of interest is staring at the ceiling fan in our living room.  When he seems to be getting angry, we just lie him down to gaze at his ceiling fan.  It works some of the time...

Does my baby need spanx?  Both Barret and I have googled "is our baby too fat" and "is baby getting fed too much."  Thankfully, the answer to both queries is no. 


This photo belongs in the prior post, but I figured I would put it here anyway.  This is Barret's four generation photo.  I am guessing Barret will have a head of grey hair before he becomes a Grandpa.

I fancy myself a bit of a Real Housewives aficionado and realize that I have not commented on the numerous seasons currently being aired.  That will change soon.  My other area of expertise is Teen Mom as well as Teen Mom 2 (you could also roll 16 and Pregnant into that package).  As the scary stages of labor approached a mere one month ago, I remember thinking "if Chelsea can do this, I can."  Oddly, it helped.  Anyway, in the most recent episode, Jenelle opted to serve 45 days in jail because she cannot stay on probation any longer due to her inability to stop smoking weed (it's not even a real addiction).  The kicker is - she wanted to move her check-in date to prison so she could go to her Ke$ha concert.  Ke$ha, seriously?  You could not pay me to go to a Ke$ha concert.  I am annoyed at even putting her name with her stupid money sign in my blog.  At least she was not planning on going to the concert with Kiefer.

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