Owen is creeping closer to the one year mark. His 9 month appointment had him weighing in at 20 lbs 11 oz and 29.5 inches long. He is in the 82nd percentile for height - still not sure where that comes from and waiting for him to normalize. It would be weird if Owen ended up being like a foot taller than Barret and I. His head is also still gigantic - in the 86th percentile for that. They do not measure his feet, but am pretty sure he would be in the 86th percentile for that as well. He is now of a size where they make footless pajamas - so we have not had to cut the toes out of his pjs to make room for big foot.
Speaking of pjs - these dino ones are pretty awesome. He also loves getting a hold of my hair binders. They are one of his treasures, the others are scraps of paper, leaves, and any crumb he can find on the ground. He does not relinquish these treasures easily. You can kind of see in this picture, but Owen is vampire baby no longer! His two front teeth popped through recently.
Owen is very proud of his standing abilities. Thankfully, he has learned to fall - so we no longer need to fear for his life every time he pulls himself up on something - which is constantly. He is cruising along furniture and getting a bit too close to walking. It is just around the corner.
Ah the wander of drawers! It is so much fun to take the contents of any drawers or cupboards out. I keep telling Owen that it is equally fun to put the contents back away, but it is falling on deaf ears.
You may not want to use the pillows on the couches at our house. Murphy continues to be Murphy.I took Owen to see the Blooming Butterflies at Olbrich last week. It seemed like the thing to do with young kids; however, Owen was not into it. He could not have cared less about the butterflies. He did like looking at the koi pond and fed the koi his teething lamb - sorry workers at Olbrich. Owen did also like outdoor gardens and pulling on the grass. He also likes to make sure his teeth are always clean - extra use of the shark toothbrush now that he has 6 teeth to clean.
Grass is very fun!
Kelly Van Stewart, is that you? I asked for a sewing machine for Christmas 2009 and have finally dusted it off and put it to use. It took me about 2 hours to figure out how to thread my Singer Simple - not sure what people did before the internet and YouTube. Eventually, I got it figured it out and have completed two patio cushions. 2 more to go! I also did some canning this weekend and made blueberry jam. Super domestic!
Between my sewing and jarring, I do still find time to keep up with my tv shows. Teen Mom 3 is coming up and looks amazing as usual. I have also gotten into Below Deck. At first, I thought this show looked super lame, but Bravo has sucked me in again. It makes me think that I should charter a yacht soon; however, I am pretty sure it would be like 2 years of my salary to take a 3 day yacht cruise. Worth it?