This cool baby is super excited for summer to be here. He still, however, has no hair. Thankfully, he has a nice shape to his head and doesn't let being a baldy get him down.
Owen's buddy, Mason, lent him the sunglasses pictured above. Maybe he felt bad for crawling all over Owen the weekend before? And yes - that is a sweet Adidas track suit that Owen is wearing. Baby Guido.Owen's recent obsession is the vacuum. Because of his crawling, I have become obsessed with vacuuming - nothing quite like picking your little baby up and seeing him covered in dog hair. So I vacuum a lot now and every time I do, Owen chases down the vacuum. He also just likes looking at the vacuum and crawling over it.
Murphy is still an obsession of Owen's. He got to ride Murphy the other day and that was exhilarating. He also loves Murph's food dish with water bowl. His new trick is pulling himself up and Murph's bowl is a perfect height for him. It is really fun when Owen splashes Murphy's dog water all around the kitchen. Thankfully, Murphy is a lab and there is never food in his bowl for longer than a minute. So we don't have to worry about Owen eating dog food - just dog bones.
We took this little bundle of joy up north to Brule for a long weekend. He was a little young to appreciate the great outdoors, but he did enjoy chewing on grass and playing with sticks.
Murphy, on the other hand, was not too young to enjoy the great outdoors. He was a crazy man. Murphy spotted a deer to chase down and we were shocked that he could not catch it.
Owen has been interested in food for quite some time, but not so interested in actually eating it. We got a funnel cake at Hometown Days and Owen was really eyeing it up. So I figured just give it to him - not like he is going to eat it. Well - he shoved it right in his mouth and then crumbled it with his little fists. I am pretty sure that breaks like 10 rules of how you are supposed to feed a baby, but the good news is, he survived. However, I do not condone feeding babies funnel cakes and was sad that he did not take to his pureed kale like he did this funnel cake. I am debating giving up on purees soon and just seeing if he takes to eating on his own.
A nice perk to having a friend who is a photographer is she sends you great pictures she took of your time at the fair together.
Lastly, I have to dish on some Housewives. Orange County is still pretty terrible - although I am growing to like Lydia more. Partly due to the disappointment of Orange County, I am so happy that New Jersey is back on the air. I thought it might be a bit dull with the same old stories and family feuds, but so far it is pretty awesome. Bravo should definitely give Milania her own spinoff. Everything that comes out of her mouth is pure gold. The second person they should give a spinoff to is Rosie - she is also amazing and we need to see more of her. Who should not get a spinoff? Tamra. However, I read that they are giving her one to document her third wedding to Eddie - boring. In other housewives news, I read that Kim is pregnant with another baby. That would give her three kids under the age of 3. How is she going to have time to record more hits? Tardy for the Party is Owen's favorite lullaby.