Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Creepy Crawler

 Owen hit the big 7 months today!  He is more than half-way to being one year old and continues to make us laugh.  He has been a crawling machine.  The whole crawling phenomena started a little over a month ago when he would scootch just ever so slightly on his activity mat.  Then he started to pick up steam and could make it to the other side of the living room in about 10 minutes.  Now, he can cruise.  He is still in army crawl mode, but if a shiny object (iphone or remote control namely) or Murphy's paw catches his eye - he will fly across the room.  Not sure what his fascination is with Murphy's paws, but am happy that Murphy has been tolerant of him grabbing them thus far - although he doesn't look to pleased in the picture above.

There is still a lot of love between these two.  I am pretty sure that Owen's second word is going to be Murphy or some mutation of the name (Moo Moo, maybe?).  I say second word not because I think his first word will be Mama (that will likely be number 10 or so), but because I am pretty sure he has already had his first word.  Even though Barret has been repeating "Dada" to Owen as much as he can for the past several months, that is also not his first utterance.  We believe his first word is "hi."  Yep, hi.  My mom and I heard him say it 2 weeks ago and were startled.  I kind of wrote it off as us both being slightly crazy.  Then, however, he said hi to Barret's dad's cousin - who confirmed he said "hi" as she approached and I place her outside the circle of crazy Owen infatuation.  Hopefully he says it again soon.  I have not heard of a baby's first word being "hi" but it kind of makes sense - people say hi to him all the time.

Back to my creepy crawler - like most babies, he seems to be a magnet for cords.  Much to my disdain, he likes to try to get to the wires for our internet and tv by crawling in that space in our tv stand.  I am hoping that he learns the meaning of "no" soon.
Crawling also brings the advantage of being able to get where Owen wants to go - like to help Alexander bang on the guitar while he plays.  Owen also likes to crawl into my lap, which I always find cute at first.  It is cute until he starts screaming in my face.  I am pretty sure that he just wants to be able to crawl through me or pull himself up on me but cannot and gets angry.  He certainly does not crawl into my lap to cuddle or be held - just to scream in my face.

This awesome turtle face  is becoming a thing of the past.  He was super into making this face for a solid two weeks - made me laugh.

I am kind of hoping that Owen's favorite past time of sucking on my chin and cheek becomes a thing of the past soon.  Again, it makes me laugh but his new teeth are sharp, little daggers and it's getting less cute.

Trouble maker.

Lastly, I feel the need to comment on Real Housewives of Orange County.  Historically, this is my favorite series of all the housewives so I was really excited for this season to begin.  However, it has been a snooze fest.  I get it - Tamra's got an attitude, Alexis thinks she is being bullied, nobody likes Brooks, and Lydia's mom smokes pot.  That is seriously everything that has happened in the last 10 episodes, plus the ladies discussing said topics- what is this, The Hills?  I am hoping that Princesses of Long Island does some redeeming for my beloved Bravo.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Half Birthday

 Owen's half birthday was actually a couple weeks ago - so I am a little behind.  I would like to say that I have been busy enjoying the weather or getting ready to go back to work, but that is not entirely true.  With the impending return to work, I have been using Owen's nap times to stay up to date on all of my shows.  I have amassed quite the collection of shows and am actually mildly embarrassed by my DVR.  I rediscovered Grey's Anatomy while pregnant and am not sure why I ever left it.  I am actually too embarrassed to DVR my 2 new favorite shows - Married to Medicine and Revenge but caught up on them via On Demand.  Revenge is filling the void that Desperate Housewives left behind and Married to Medicine makes me laugh - Quad should come out with her own book of sayings.  Anyway, that's a bit of what has been going on with me, but more important are the developments with Baby Owen.

We waited until Owen was six months old to start him on solid foods.  Avocado seems to be the in first food and we thought that sounded good, so avocado was his first time.  I think he ate some avocado - but mostly smeared it on his face.  I know that Murphy ate some avocado.

That bite of avocado really pushed Owen the edge - a few days later he was sitting up on his own and crawling around the house.  He is army crawling and it takes him a while to get anywhere, but it has opened up a new dimension of caring for baby.  It is especially fun when I am changing a poopy diaper and he wants to try out his new skill.  Owen can crawl pretty quickly if something intriguing catches his eye, namely my phone, remote control, or Murphy.  So far, Murphy has been very tolerant.  Owen loves to punch his paws and grab his tail. Murphy takes it or just walks away if he has had enough.  I like to call them the Gruesome Twosome and feel like they will be causing lots of trouble together in the near future.

One would think that sitting up and crawling would be enough to tide over a baby for a month.  But no, Owen decided it was time to cut a tooth.  Last week I discovered a bottom tooth had broken through and this week the second bottom tooth is through.  They are basically little daggers and are still a bit small to get a picture of.  His love of sucking on my chin just got a whole lot less cute.  I am also worried that I am going to have that kid that bites other kids.

I swear Owen might be part dog.  The kid loves socks, shoes, and Murphy's bones.  A sock will keep him occupied for a good 20 minutes - which is significantly longer than any other toy that he possesses.

Owen has been keeping us pretty busy this past month with all of his developments.  He better not be walking by the time I write my next blog post.