So this may look like an angel face... but he is earning his nickname of "Monster Baby." On Saturday, I had Owen lying on my chest and he did the grossest thing ever. This baby booted in my mouth. In SSP, we always referred to puking as booting and apparently Ron Swanson uses the same terminology, so decided to bring it back. It is in the top 10 worst experiences of my life. First, it was not spit up - it was vomit. Second, I had given him his Vitamin D supplement about an hour earlier and got a taste of that cherry goodness mixed the vomit. Third, I was laying on my back when this happened, so it was inevitable that I was swallowing some of the bootage. Monster Baby got me good.
Spring is actually my least favorite season, but I am so ready for it to come. I dislike Spring because there are so many teasers of nice days and then it snows or rains and is gross out all over again. However, I am sick of bundling Owen up to go outside or being unable to take him on walks for fear of the frigid temps - that I am ready for Spring to get here. Nevertheless, I will miss seeing Owen in his snowsuit.
Another reason I am ready for Spring, I took Murphy out Sunday and slipped on the ice not once, but twice. Not only did I fall twice, but I fell forward one time and backward the other. So I now have a bump on my knee, scraped elbow, bump on my back and head. Oh and we only walked 3 blocks. Owen's vomit was a nice precursor for my tumbles.
Another downside of Winter/Spring - Owen and his buddy Mason got all ready to go for a walk and then we stepped outside and there was freezing rain. At least we got this pic...
Owen's new skill is screaming and making bird-like noises. It was cute at first but am totally ready for him to move on to some new sounds. Sometimes when he gets too wound up, I take off his clothes and seems to mellow him out. Mother of the year?
Diane is making sure that Owen stays up to date with current events. He learned that Miley and Liam are on the rock but thinks they are just young and will likely work it out.
I love Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. It is one of my favorite of the franchise. Last season, I felt it got a little too real with Russell, but this season has been pretty good. I have grown to love Brandi and think Yolanda is great. Taylor is kind of tragic to me and I would like to refer to her as a hot mess, but really I just think she is a sad mess. Dana is the true hot mess. She may actually be the definition of hot mess. She made a little cameo the other week and I really hope Bravo brings her back for the next season. She is apparently going through a break up and decided to smoke at a clothing store, was drunk mid-day, and talking smack about the other ladies. Isn't this what Housewives is made for? I am also wondering if she still rocks her $25,000 sunglasses. I would be super happy if Dana becomes Adrienne's replacement. I would be pissed if Faye got the spot. I would threaten to stop watching the show if they put her on there, but we all know that would be an empty threat.